
Blow-A-Tune - Low hanging fruit.

The Research and Snark department dropped this picture on my desk months ago, and I've stared at it a number of times, but never posted it. Sometimes the jokes are so obvious, it feels cruel and lazy... like I'm being a bully. But, I'm a busy man, and I need to purge this demon so I can get it out of my inbox and sleep at night. Blow-A-Tune, you're going in! May FSM have mercy on the dank, empty chasm that serves as my soul.
Joke #1 - The kids. The bills. The dead beat ex-husband. Some days,  the only thing that got Judy out of bed was her Playskool Crackadoodle.

Joke #2 - The Blow-A-Tune simultaneously teaches children the joys of valuable life skills like turning things and blowing through things, as well as the equally fulfilling activities of deciding to stop turning things and not blowing through anything. Available this fall.

Joke #3 - The Fisher-Price Drinky-Toot plays any one of five different songs while simultaneously measuring your child's blood alcohol level with a 1% margin of error. Available this fall.

Joke #4 - The Blow-A-Tune comes with ten song disks, with more available at your local music store. Wagner's Rings of the Nibelung will be sold as a special 120 disk set, with each disk measuring nine feet in diameter. Financing available.

Joke #5 is a bit racy, and comes from Sue. Shew! Can we open a window, please?
When you find a child's true talent, it's a parent's obligation to nurture and support. At least she won't be on the pole! 

[Commenter jokes will be added to the post.    -Mgmt.]

1 comment:

  1. When you find a child's true talent, it's a parent's obligation to nurture and support. At least she won't be on the pole!
