
Chalk Diagram - Explaining my head powers.

Joke #1 - "...and with an energy of ten to the sixteenth watts, my mental ray is more than a match for any villain I encounter... unless there's some bad guy out there who's getting ten to the seventeenth watts of energy, but I think you'll agree that's just silly."

Joke #2 - "... and so then I was all 'behold MY powers!' and the neutron star was like 'PKKSSSHOOOO!' and the people were all 'Hooray!' and you totally should have seen it. ..................... Fine. I was late because I locked my keys in the bathroom."

Joke #3 - "... and with an energy of ten to the sixteenth watts, one beam is focused through the two lenses. The other beam travels unimpeded. The two beams recombine their power as they converge on.... my ear? hang on, I need to check my numbers."

Good glavin! Joke #4 comes from CraigAccording to my calculations mm-hey my Meet-Girls-o-Nator will be a boon to the nng-glavin scientific community with the kissing and hugging and the lllllllaaaady!! 

1 comment:

  1. According to my calculations mm-hey my Meet-Girls-o-Nator will be a boon to the nng-glavin scientific community with the kissing and hugging and the lllllllaaaady!!
