
Donna and Walter - Love in the weeds.

Joke #1 - "So! Donna! I knew I'd find you here! ...but I didn't know you'd be with the same tree that stole my virginity, too."

Joke #2 - "Oh, Walter, it's just not going to work. We're from two different worlds. I'm only nine feet tall, and the rules of perspective indicate that you must be at least fifteen feet tall...or maybe standing in a shopping cart..."

Joke #3 - "Donna! What a pleasant surprise! You know, this is just how we had our first kiss, remember? I had gone into the woods to urinate, and I found you holding a flower..."

Joke #4 - "Oh, Walter. This day is perfect. So enchanting. You and me, together in the Cook County forest preserve. And look! We've just found the first murder victim of spring together!"

Joke #5 - "You know, Donna, there's something I've been wanting to ask you. That's why I've crept up behind you in the forest on one knee.

Joke #6 - "Oh, Walter, it's just not going got work. We're from two different worlds. You like underbrush, but I like foliage. You see? Please try to understand."

Joke #7 comes from Craig Craigson. Thanks Craig! "Donna thought Walter loved her only for her body, but it was her sweater he lusted for. "

[Commenter jokes will be added to the post.   -Mgmt.]

1 comment:

  1. Donna thought Walter loved her only for her body, but it was her sweater he lusted for.
