
Savory Oil - Slick 'em up.

Joke #1 - "No, BOTH arms, you mug!. ...and no sudden moves or I'll savorize you."

Joke #2 - "Please take it easy, sir. Just take my wallet and go. Think of my daughter. What kind of life would she have with no father, or maybe with a father covered in some kind of presumably delicious oil?"

Joke #3 - Once again, an innocent citizen of Binghamton, NY is robbed at nozzlepoint by the Goody Yum Yum Gang, threatening to spray him with Savory Oil. The police were powerless to help, as were the town dog and little girl.

Joke #4 - "..but I'll tell you one thing, jerk. This is one hoser who ain't takin' off, see?"

[Commenter jokes will be added to the post, ya mug.   -Mgmt.]

Joke #5 comes from Craig Craigson: "And you'll see by looking around, Mr. Savory, that this part of Binghamton is what we call "Oilguytown," as every house in the neighborhood is home to an oil guy. You'll fit right in, I'm sure. 

Just be aware that the homeowner association requires your shitty, smelly truck to be parked in front of your house every night."


  1. And you'll see by looking around, Mr. Savory, that this part of Binghamton is what we call "Oilguytown," as every house in the neighborhood is home to an oil guy. You'll fit right in, I'm sure.

    Just be aware that the homeowner association requires your shitty, smelly truck to be parked in front of your house every night.

  2. Go ahead, Oisha. Try it on that dog and little girl. This is Savory country!
