
Reckless Pickup - We're on a hiiiiiigh-way to hick.

Joke #1 - "Oh dear god! I'm in ALABAMA!!!"

Joke #2 - "Gasp! The Varmint Gang! ...and my wife is in that oil drum! This is terrible! She should be in the crate! The oil fumes will give her a headache!"

Joke #3 - "Gosh dangit! Those crafty Jebb boys got there before me. I wanted to be the one to take Count A out for his birthday."

Joke #4 - "Bessie! Where are you going with that strange man behind your wheel? Bessiieeeeeee!"

Joke #5 - There was no time for signaling or braking. Nothing stood in the way when there was a delivery from Crate & Barrel on the way.

Joke #6 - Roger was furious. He specifically instructed the UPS driver to leave it at the door if he wasn't home. Now he had to go down to the depot and pick up his Real Doll in person. Maybe he could get the reverend to do it for him? He DID owe Roger a favor, after he hid those bodies for him.

Joke #7 - "Holy smokes! That's old Joe, driving drunk! He'd better be careful. Cornering that hard will put excessive wear on the truck's ball joints and will lead to excessive maintenance costs!"

Incoming joke from Craig! #8 - Coming in September: Young Dukes of Hazzard
Synopsis: Jesse Duke and Cooter prevent a young Jefferson Davis "J.D." Hogg from running a traffic scheme in which a hair dryer is used in place of a radar gun, forcing Ernest Tubb to work off his fine at the Boar's Nest. Hilarity ensues. 


  1. Coming in September:

    Young Dukes of Hazzard

    Synopsis: Jesse Duke and Cooter prevent a young Jefferson Davis "J.D." Hogg from running a traffic scheme in which a hair dryer is used in place of a radar gun, forcing Ernest Tubb to work off his fine at the Boar's Nest.

    Hilarity ensues.

  2. Oh my. Such disparaging words about Alabama -- and I was thinking about vacationing there next month.

  3. Yes, we were pretty harsh. Actually, Alabama leads the nation in the two key industries of shack repair and anti-varmint technology.
