
The Laboratory - Dr. Thrope and Miss VanDerVyne

Joke #1 - Patrick Stewart in the lab, hard at work on his career-defining treatment for not-having-baldness.

Joke #2 - Doctor Thrope had to admit that Miss VandDerVyne looked a bit mannish, but she microscoped like she was all woman.

Joke #3 - "For heaven's sake, Mis VanderVyne. You call that squinting? I'll show you squinting. Give me that!"

Joke #4 - "So what shall we call our new gum? I like 'Endoplasmic Reticulyummy'? Ooh! How about 'Dr. Thrope's Lab Wad?' "

Joke #5 - "What is it? What's the last letter? 'dontforgettodrinkyourovaltin-' WHAT IS IT?"

Joke #6 - "Wait, wait. Was that 'G T T C A C A A G A C G A C G G G A T C C T A T C A T C G A T C G C G T C A T C G A T T G T  C T A A T G' or was it 'G T T C A C A A G A C G A C G G G A T C C T A T C A T C G A T C G C G T C A T C G A T T G T  C T A A T C'? You know what? I'm just gonna write 'CAT'. Let's order lunch.

Joke #7 was secretly suggested by anonymous. Thanks, whoever you are! Dr. Ron Paul watches full of anticipation as his assistant attempts to audit the Federal Reserve's financial statements.

Joke #8 comes to us from Misterfancyhotballs2. Thanks, MFHB2! - "Well Miss Gulch, that may be how they observe things in Kansas, but I still say you can never be too safe with gamma irradiation...."

[Commenter jokes will be added to the post.   -Mgmt.]

Click for big.


  1. Dr. Ron Paul watches full of anticipation as his assistant attempts to audit the Federal Reserve's financial statements.

  2. Well Miss Gulch, that may be how they observe things in Kansas, but I still say you can never be too safe with gamma irradiation....

