
Internet blackout this week. - Vintage Racing Tomorrow!

Sorry citizens. This week has been an internet no-fly zone up until this morning.

See, AT&T decided to stop supporting our MOdulator/DEModulator, a nice sturdy Transdata 307 analog model. Apparently our trusty Transdata 307 MOdulator/DEModulator unit is not worth AT&T's trouble any more. What a bunch of snobs.
Some kind of crazy contraption.
So, we are forced to upgrade to a US Robotics 14.4 Sportster. I personally don't trust weird tech like this. I mean, you can't even see the gears! How does it work? What if it throws a drive belt? How can I fix it? Bottom line is you can't. This thing better work flawlessly for decades or I will be turbo pissed.

Our Coleco Adam Personal Computer needed a software update to work with the new "mo-dem", and US Robotics doesn't distribute their software on data cassettes any more, which is the only media the Adam consumes. USR only deliver drivers on strange coaster-like "floppy diskettes". Great. So, until we found a virgin tech wizard with the ability to transcode 3.5" floppy gibberish to nice, normal cassetteish, we were dead in the water. The world was a dusty wasteland, totally free of old pictures and jokes.

Bryce Thundercat
 Enter Bryce Thundercat. It is possible that this is not his real name. However, when one wields the powers of a thirtieth level Cybermancer like Bryce does, you can have people address you as you wish.

Bryce it was who fixed us up with the transcoded Maxxell XLII-S data cassette (chrome oxide no less!) that would install the drivers for our US Robotics futuremodem (I still don't trust it) on our Adam. After going through so much to get that cassette (a bag of Zesty Ranch Bugles and two cases of Oronamin C Drink Ramune - he really is an exotic machine that requires imported fuel), we popped the tabs out and triple-wrapped it in foil to protect the data for all time. Now, Phil Are GO! can never be thrown off the internet again. Thanks, Bryce Thundercat! How can we ever repay yo- Oh yeah. We did.

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! This weekend is the Blackhawk Vintage Classic and Phil Are GO! is your eyes in the sky on the ground at the cars! Our Photographic Assault Batallion will be out in the field tomorrow at Blackhawk Farms, making sure our readers don't miss a pixel of super hot lens-on-car perversion. WTF am I on about? Here are our posts from last year's BVC. The P.A.G! P.A.B. will be armed with the new-to-us Olympus OMD EM-5, and a kooky grab bag of lenses, including our 1972 Canon FD 1.4 and a massively donglike 300mm zoom, which on our camera, works out to a Hubble telescopic 600mm tele. Also, some new lenses that can auto focus, so not everything will be a blurry mess.

Stay tuned!


  1. Welcome back to the virtual world. Will stay well-hydrated this weekend in preparation for next week's drool marathon.

  2. Dude, that's why I enjoy your blog so much. The random and wacky pulls from the Land O'Internet. "Bryce Thundercat" indeed.

  3. Glad to see you back on the air, so to speak. I'm headed to the Collings Foundation event in celebration of Father's Day armed with my own camera, so hopefully I'll get some good shots of my own.
