
National Schools - Pick your job.

With the help of The National Schools, you can have any one of nine high-pay jobs. You pick job now!

Panel Pointer.

Knob-To-Eleven-Turner / Cowbell Adder

Human Patch Cord

Cargo Cult Enthusiast

Nationally Televised Camera Tilter

Vacuum Tube Tweaker

Any Given Eighteen-Year-Old Male. Am I right? heh heh.

Click for big.


  1. I'm certainly encouraged to learn there are "no misstatements" in this ad.

  2. Absolutely. If you can't trust the ad you're reading to assure of the truth in the ad you're reading, then I don't know who you can trust.

    Thanks, Steve!


  3. I just punched the address into Google Maps. It's a Chevron station.
    Not quite the same I'm afraid
