Joke #2 - The Hometown USA Completely Reasonable Action Race Set, from AFX, came complete with garbage truck and taxi cab slot cars, twenty-six straight track sections, twelve ninety-degree turns, two hundred reusable potholes, and eighteen working traffic lights. Sales were described by AFX as "disappointing".
Joke #3 - In 1961, Congress called for the formation of an independent fact-finding panel to determine if anyone, in fact, did know the muffin man, who lived on Drury Lane.
Joke #4 - Fox programming executives sit before a scale model of Springfield, trying to determine why the show hasn't been funny in thirteen seasons. Someone in row two suggested "Add Cousin Oliver".
Joke #5 - "Correct, Emmett. One point twenty-one 'jigowatts'."
Joke #6 - The tabletop play set introduced in 1966 as Fred Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe evolved so gradually into the game we now know as Warhammer 40,000 that few people even noticed the change.
Joke #7 - "Incorrect, Donald. The Post Office had a lower initiative roll, so the Grocery Store gets to attack first. Grocery Store chooses to cast magic missile. The post office takes nine damages. Roll a saving throw for half, Post Office."
Joke #8 comes to us in record time from Jim D. Thanks, Jim! - Sadly, despite being the best-funded, most thoroughly-planned Utopian community of the 20th century, this U. S. Army/Rand Corporation project was doomed to failure for a simple reason the planners overlooked: Plainfield was inhabited solely by middle-aged white males, and the fertility rate was not adequate to maintain a stable population.
MisterFancyHotballs_2 submitted Joke #9. Thanks, MFHB! - "No!, no!,no!" said the General. " This scale Mount Rushmore has far too many heads."
The enigmatic joke # 10 come to us from the enigmatic "Ace". Thanks, Ace! - On Tuesday, Steve got to wear the glasses ...
[Commenter jokes will be added to the post. -Mgmt.]
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Sadly, despite being the best-funded, most thoroughly-planned Utopian community of the 20th century, this U. S. Army/Rand Corporation project was doomed to failure for a simple reason the planners overlooked: Plainfield was inhabited solely by middle-aged white males, and the fertility rate was not adequate to maintain a stable population.
ReplyDelete"No!, no!,no!" said the General. " This scale Mount Rushmore has far too many heads."
On Tuesday, Steve got to wear the glasses ...