Learn to "Office" by mail. No selling or goods to buy. No experience. Learn Officing skills like "Sitting", "Holding Paper", "Wearing Suit", and "Being Useless Drone".
Become a Doctor of Psychology. Free diploma, or just cut out this page and frame it. Write to Totally Legitimate College, Broom Closet #3, 5153-B North Clark St. Chicago.
Train Your VOICE! Speak like a Spartan. Resonate like a Roman. Vocalize like a Visigoth. Enunciate like an Etruscan. Gab like a Galatian.
Job all finished in only HALF the time, thanks to amphetamine!

"I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REEEEEEALLY like working on cars now! Can I have another broken car? What do you mean there aren't any more?"
Sweet, I can win a degree in Psychology! I for one welcome the lottery degree system. If you fail out of college you can't blame yourself because it was just rotten luck.
Yes, it's a great innovation that failed to catch on. Also, Who could disregard the legal consul of someone with a degree from The College of Universal Truth?
Thanks for reading!
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