
Pope John XXIII - Putting the "man" back in EcuMANical Council.

Joke #1 - In 1962, Pope John XXIII opened the historic Ecumenical Council to address allegations of hypocrisy as regards to  their collective vow of poverty. It was decided that their giant marble statues' hats should merely be made of bronze, as opposed to the more traditional gold.

Joke #2 - "Good news gentlemen.  The passage in Judges 15:7 '... and after that I will cease.' was mistakenly mistranslated from the original Hebrew. The correct translation should be '...and oft times were the male children decietful, crying out for cecassion, when their hearts truly desired for more, and it was good.'"

Joke #3 - "Well I can't tell if he's fallen asleep either! Go on and poke him. Scared? What, are you gonna PRAY him awake?"

Joke #4 - Seemingly assaulted from all sides by the sexual revolution and social decadence, Pope John XXIII, in a little known ceremony in 1962, begins to summon the Kraken from the watery floor of St. Peter's Basilica.

Joke #5 - "I can't belieeve how good thees carrpet is! Soo many wine stains. So many siiins! All wiped up weeth a damp cloth! Eet looks as goood as new! Truly thees ees a miiiiracle! Praise bee to Vatican Carrpets, Inc."

Joke #6 comes from Anonymous. Thanks, Anonymous! - "It was the annual "Men's Red Gown Gala" and Bill's mom had sent him in the brown gown. As he sat in the front row, he wondered "Who would EVER ask him to dance?"

[Commenter jokes will be added to the post.   -Mgmt.]


Anonymous said...

It was the annual "Mens Red Gown Gala" and Bill's mom had sent him in the brown gown. As he sat in the front row, he wondered "Who would EVER ask him to dance?"

PhilAreGo@gmail.com said...

Anonymous, that was a well-crafted joke! Caught me off guard, it did, with it's nameless funniness. Wish I'd thought of that one myself. I thought I had one more joke in me for this picture... something about nobody having the courage to dance past the free throw line, but I couldn't put it together. I hope we can look forward to more of your work appearing here in the pages of P.A.G.!


Anonymous said...

I am honored, Sir! Your daily talent is a guilty pleasure, and I look forward to every post!

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