
The Make-Out Jam

Joke #1 - April 16th, 1806: The first recital of "Minuet of the Bare Ankle, for Piano, Harpsichord, and Erection" was an unqualified success, despite being subsequently banned from all public performance for "extreme naughtiness".

Joke #2 - "A modern day warrior, mean mean stride. Today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean, pri- mmph!"

Joke #3 - "But, Lord Featherstone, how can you play your violin without a bow? Where's your bow? ...OH! Lord Featherstone!"

Joke #4 - None could ever be said to have mastered the instrument known as the "womanophone", but a little over 60% of the human population made fevered attempts throughout history. Possibly the most complicated instrument to play, it involved blowing into the mouthpiece and careful manipulation of the bellows, all while delicately fingering the valves. 

Joke #5 - He's got woodwind. Huh huh huh.

John Joseff helps us flesh out today's surprisingly hard-to-write captions list with Joke #6. Thanks, JJ! The Phaaaaaaaantom of the Opera is heeeeeeere, inside your pants

Joke #6 comes to us from one of our new regulars, MisterFancyHotBalls_2. Thanks, MFHB! - "Let me smell your breath, Eunice - Aha! Drunk again! I should have known better when you said you wanted to Fiddle with my Instrument!" 

[Commenter jokes will be added to the post.  -Mgmt.]

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jjoseff said...

The Phaaaaaaaantom of the Opera is heeeeeeere, inside your pants

Anonymous said...

"Let me smell your breath, Eunice - Aha! Drunk again! I should have known better when you said you wanted to Fiddle with my Instrument!"


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