
Children at work and play.

Joke #1 - "Well for crying out loud. This thing isn't even level. You've gotten sloppy, Vic. What's got you so distracted? Is is the wife again?"

Joke #2 - "You didn't even check to see if it's level, did you? That's it. Go clean out you locker."

Joke #3 - "Well, the finish is good and the legs are sturdy, but your sister added a tool rack to hers. I think we'll be hiring her. Thanks for coming out today."

Joke #4 - " Nice work, son. Now we just need to add a blood trough for easy drainage and we'll be done. This is going to be the best summer vacation ever!"
Joke #1 - "Junior-size Jaguar gives boy an early start on a lifetime of entitlement, arrogance."

Joke #2 - "Junior-size Jaguar weighs 1,000 pounds, has 71-inch wheelbase, and demonstrates wisdom of driving laws."

Joke #3 - "Junior-size Jaguar can be driven off bridge after junior-size three-martini dinner meeting."

Craig Jokes in: "Junior-sized Junior weighs 38 pounds, has a 14 inch inseam and is powered by Fluffernutters."   Thanks Craig! -Mgmt.


Unknown said...

Junior-sized Junior weighs 38 pounds, has a 14 inch inseam and is powered by Fluffernutters.

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