Of course, there's still a healthy (in numbers, not in health) group of people who think that we are all carrying around forty pounds of sludge in our butts unless we go have ourselves hosed out every month. This is untrue. After you have a poo, you're needle's on empty. Anyone not trying to sell you wheatgrass juice will tell you the same. If your colon's not working right, you'll know it. You won't need Robin Quivers to tell you to shoot coffee up your backside.
This ad is not part of the detox movement (See what I did there?). It's just a laxative. Constipation is a real thing, but there's no link between your butt and your nose unless that's what you're into.
The pictures are nice and funny, though. They could use a few jokes.

People in immediate post-war era advertisements had two major problems: They all had hernias and none of them could take a dump.
I think these problems may have been interrelated.
PS: If your last name was "Magnesia," it would only be funny if your first name was "Philkov".
What would be really funny is if your last name was "McCann."
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