The reason to look at this ad is these three fantastic Disembodied Floating Heads (DFHs). As you'd expect from a pipe ad, the pipe smoking guy is the best, with his smarmy shiteater turned all the way up to ten. In fact, these guys are so great, how much would you pay for each one of them presented to you in crazy high resolution? Two dollars? Two dollars and five cents? Don't answer, because we're also going to offer you these fine museum-quality DFHs as PNG files, which is a file format that supports alpha channel. Yes, you get three giant Floating Heads with a transparent background, ready to be pasted into your email sig, FaceTube blog, Chirpy page, or inappropriate family photos. Order now and get a second copy of each one at a smaller 200px size for your additional right-clicky-save pleasure.
Brought to you by the Images And Scanning Them Brigade at Phil Are Go!, and the letter "H".

Sweet. No idea where or whether I'll use them, but something tell me if I save them long enough a use will present itself.
The P.A.G. Marketing and Unprofitable Promotion Officer (MUPO) has just recommended to me that we post Graphic Gifts like this more often.
It is of no small amusement to me that all of you are using your "rude finger" to do the right clicking.
Can I use these Boffo heads in my iPhone app?
Well, we don't own any copyright on the pictures. They're from the Oct 13, 1962 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Thanks for asking nicely though. If you really feel like being mister nice guy, just tell a friend or two about P.A.G. The P.A.G. Traffic Monitoring Guy has become rather obsessive about checking the Google Analytics page and a few extra hits would make his little bow tie spin around.
...And please post a link or something where we can see the finished app when it's done! We'd like to see our DFHs out in the wild.
Thanks, David!
Please make sure that /b/
and other memesources do not
find these images.
Just in time for Father's Day! Awesome sauce --
Thanks for grabbing these free heads, everybody! (A sentence I've never typed before). The Images and Scanning Them Dept. vows to release more Rude Finger Graphic Gifts in the future.
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