"Electric Autos... They're on the Way!" ... in 1966.
Yep, in 1966, the electric car was an "any minute now" proposition. Well, five to ten years, if the Popular Science article is to be believed. So, your mom and dad must have had an electric car, then. How was it? Did you learn to drive on mom and dad's electromobile? Did they hand it down to you when they eventually replaced it with their hovercar in 1973? Please leave your nostalgic electric car memories down in the comments. I'm sure we'll all be able to relate to them.
Be sure not to miss the part about the best-at-the-time sodium-sulfur battery that had to be maintained at a temperature around 500 degrees at all times or it wouldn't work at all.
We now present the full article from the December 1966 issue of Popular Science in living color (all three of them- black, yellow, and sort of other yellow). Each page has been posted at the largest-size-Blogger-will-allow size of 1600 px. You know the drill. Click it to big it, baby. You're welcome!
Be sure not to miss the part about the best-at-the-time sodium-sulfur battery that had to be maintained at a temperature around 500 degrees at all times or it wouldn't work at all.
We now present the full article from the December 1966 issue of Popular Science in living color (all three of them- black, yellow, and sort of other yellow). Each page has been posted at the largest-size-Blogger-will-allow size of 1600 px. You know the drill. Click it to big it, baby. You're welcome!
full article,
popular science
The Guys Preferred Profile Pants
Fashion shoot. A model pretending to be a cartoon hobo.
In 1970, The Guys made pants, it seems. Stripey ones. Someone else made belts with giant holes in them, just to make sure they stretched quickly and looked stupid immediately.
Sorry, English readers, you must be confused. See, in America, "pants" is interchangeable with "trousers". Only in The Empire does "pants" mean "underpants".
Also sorry, readers here in The Future, you must be confused. See, in 1970, "a haircut" meant one poof over each ear and a third poof on top of your head. Only in The Seventies was this "groovy".
So, how to sell your pants as travel companions? Prop up your model against a tree in front of the art director's house as if he's clearly not resting from a long week riding in a box car. Then, hand him a bindle (that polka-dot bag on a stick that all cartoon hobos carry) and that lesser-known hobo prop, a cigar butt on a toothpick. Presumably, the idea is that a penniless tramp could smoke the cigar all the way down to nothing if he didn't have to hold it in his fingers.
The Bindle, from a design standpoint, is a flawed bit of engineering. Is there anything you can carry in a tied-up hanky that is more easily carried when suspended from a stick? It still takes one hand to lug around that way. Does it somehow require less effort to hang on to one end of a cantilevered stick over your shoulder, as opposed to just hooking two fingers through the hanky-sack and just letting it hang at the end of your arm? Sheesh. You've really let me down, The Tramp Community. I've come to expect better design solutions from unemployable drifters. This must be why so few engineering firms employ hobos.
Anyway, if, for some reason, you're a user of some kind of social networking service and you're tired of using the Windows 95 logo as your profile picture, we've got you covered. It's the poofy-headed groovy hobo from this ad. He's 1000 x 1000 pixels, so he's ready to represent your face when your real face just won't do. If that's what you're into. You're welcome, I guess.
In 1970, The Guys made pants, it seems. Stripey ones. Someone else made belts with giant holes in them, just to make sure they stretched quickly and looked stupid immediately.
Sorry, English readers, you must be confused. See, in America, "pants" is interchangeable with "trousers". Only in The Empire does "pants" mean "underpants".
Also sorry, readers here in The Future, you must be confused. See, in 1970, "a haircut" meant one poof over each ear and a third poof on top of your head. Only in The Seventies was this "groovy".
So, how to sell your pants as travel companions? Prop up your model against a tree in front of the art director's house as if he's clearly not resting from a long week riding in a box car. Then, hand him a bindle (that polka-dot bag on a stick that all cartoon hobos carry) and that lesser-known hobo prop, a cigar butt on a toothpick. Presumably, the idea is that a penniless tramp could smoke the cigar all the way down to nothing if he didn't have to hold it in his fingers.
The Bindle, from a design standpoint, is a flawed bit of engineering. Is there anything you can carry in a tied-up hanky that is more easily carried when suspended from a stick? It still takes one hand to lug around that way. Does it somehow require less effort to hang on to one end of a cantilevered stick over your shoulder, as opposed to just hooking two fingers through the hanky-sack and just letting it hang at the end of your arm? Sheesh. You've really let me down, The Tramp Community. I've come to expect better design solutions from unemployable drifters. This must be why so few engineering firms employ hobos.
Anyway, if, for some reason, you're a user of some kind of social networking service and you're tired of using the Windows 95 logo as your profile picture, we've got you covered. It's the poofy-headed groovy hobo from this ad. He's 1000 x 1000 pixels, so he's ready to represent your face when your real face just won't do. If that's what you're into. You're welcome, I guess.
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Click for 1000px avatar thingy version. |
Couple new shirts - Quisp, WMET, X Ray Specs
We've just put three new shirts on our Spreadshirt shop! Unless you're at least a little bit old, they may not make any sense to you.
Quispused to be is a cereal that is hard to find now. It first appeared in 1965, and it tasted a lot like Cap'n Crunch, but with a little more vanilla flavor, and a lighter crunch that was much less likely to reduce the roof of your mouth to curtains of torn flesh flapping in the breeze of your breath than Cap'n Crunch. Man, Quisp was good. Plus, it had has a cool alien on the box. Here's a direct link to that shirt. Shirt type and color is up to you.
WMET was a rock station in Chicago from 1979 to some time in the early eighties. Unlike WLUP or WCKG, they played a broad variety of rock. You could hear Led Zeppelin on any of those three stations, but WMET would play Rainbow, or The Tubes. They're gone now, and you can't get their promotional shirts anywhere except Ebay, in which case they are used promotional shirts. Great.
They used to look like this, and you can get one in our shop, if that's what you're into.
Because this shirt's graphic was simple enough for Spreadshirts vector interpolation to understand it, you can change up the color of the print to whatever you want, in addition to the shirt type and color.
X-Ray specs. Everybody's seen the ad in the back of old comics and magazines, but only those gullible enough to send away for them felt the sting of disappointment upon realizing they were not x-ray, and barely even specs. Anyway, this is the iconic illustration that was used to decades to rip off trusting kids in search of superpowers. You can also change the print color on this one, in addition to the shirt type and color (of course).
At the moment, Spreadshirt is only displaying the men's version of this one for some reason. We'll update the link when we verify they're figured out how to run a website.
UPDATE: Since the design was uploaded minutes before this post went live, the page for that shirt is "too new" to display properly. We'll check back tomorrow.
WMET was a rock station in Chicago from 1979 to some time in the early eighties. Unlike WLUP or WCKG, they played a broad variety of rock. You could hear Led Zeppelin on any of those three stations, but WMET would play Rainbow, or The Tubes. They're gone now, and you can't get their promotional shirts anywhere except Ebay, in which case they are used promotional shirts. Great.
They used to look like this, and you can get one in our shop, if that's what you're into.
Because this shirt's graphic was simple enough for Spreadshirts vector interpolation to understand it, you can change up the color of the print to whatever you want, in addition to the shirt type and color.
X-Ray specs. Everybody's seen the ad in the back of old comics and magazines, but only those gullible enough to send away for them felt the sting of disappointment upon realizing they were not x-ray, and barely even specs. Anyway, this is the iconic illustration that was used to decades to rip off trusting kids in search of superpowers. You can also change the print color on this one, in addition to the shirt type and color (of course).
At the moment, Spreadshirt is only displaying the men's version of this one for some reason. We'll update the link when we verify they're figured out how to run a website.
UPDATE: Since the design was uploaded minutes before this post went live, the page for that shirt is "too new" to display properly. We'll check back tomorrow.
U.S. Gypsum - She's impressed.
Aaaah, gypsum! Is there any part of your life that hasn't been improved with the miracle of gypsum? While you're working on that question, here's a free Graphic Gift of an impressed lady!
Yep, she's blown away by the smoothness of her new walls, since they're not plaster applied to a wooden lath substrate with a trowel. Wow! Such dirty talk for so early in the morning!
Anyway, she's pretty funny. She could probably be a nice addition to your ever-growing Graphic Gift collection on your hard drive of choice. Howzabout we pop her out of her ad and give her an alpha channel background?
Yeah, there we go. She could be impressed with just about anything you care to position her next to. With her original word bubble in place, she could even deliver a compliment to a particularly deft bit of public grace. See?
So, we'll also need to have a version of her with her "smooth" in place...
There. Oh, she could have ever such wonderful adventures in your Graphic Blandishment application of choice. What will you do with her?
Yep, she's blown away by the smoothness of her new walls, since they're not plaster applied to a wooden lath substrate with a trowel. Wow! Such dirty talk for so early in the morning!
Anyway, she's pretty funny. She could probably be a nice addition to your ever-growing Graphic Gift collection on your hard drive of choice. Howzabout we pop her out of her ad and give her an alpha channel background?
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Click for 1600 px PNG. |
Yeah, there we go. She could be impressed with just about anything you care to position her next to. With her original word bubble in place, she could even deliver a compliment to a particularly deft bit of public grace. See?
So, we'll also need to have a version of her with her "smooth" in place...
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Click for 1600 px PNG. |
There. Oh, she could have ever such wonderful adventures in your Graphic Blandishment application of choice. What will you do with her?
The Baby Show
Joke #1 - "As you can see, they're pretty useless to start with, but in just a decade or two, he'll be able to do a few chores or light housework, if you can convince him to cooperate. At sixteen, he'll probably wreck your car and somehow find a way to resent you for it. And after that, there's the cost of sending him to college. So anyway, whaddya say? Do you want one?"
Joke #2 - "Back already? You only get one baby a week, you know."
Joke #3 - Though it broke their hearts to see him this way, Don and Judy would come to visit every week until their baby was released from prison.
Joke #4 - "Gosh, I'm sorry, folks. He's usually much funnier than this. He has been drinking a lot, though."
Joke #5 - Madam, is this the baby that robbed you?
[Commenter jokes will be added to the post. -Mgmt.]
Whatever you're doing right now, stop it at once and drink a mouthful of coffee, because in a few seconds, you're going to need to do a spit take. Unless you send away for this complete 25-lesson GUIDE TO HYPNOTISM, you will always be a loser. But don't take my word for it. Just assume that everything in this 1963 ad is completely true. Yes. Do that.
Why would you continue to fight your way through life influencing others with sound arguments and reasonable viewpoints, when you can simply EXERT YOUR POWER OVER OTHERS? This ad appeals to all the best facets of human nature: The desire for fame and popularity through power and control over others.
Imagine the life you could lead. See the man in this picture? Imagine how popular he is! This could be you! Look how popular! Why aren't you loved by others? Because you're not doing this!!!

You're probably wondering how this could possibly work. If you're still thinking like that, you haven't been properly hypnotized. Stop not being hypnotized. If you need proof that hypnotism works exactly like the ad says, just remember that this ad is from 1963, and because of the good work this ad has done, here in The Future, everyone is now completely hypnotized all the time and we no longer need doctors or medicine of any kind and everyone is popular and completely happy always. Duh. Oh yeah, except for you. You're the only one. You loser.
Just do what the ad says. You could be performing all sorts of life-saving surgeries (on yourself, because everyone else is already hypno-healed and stuff) by hypnotizing people into thinking they've had life-saving surgeries (actually, just you). ...If you weren't such a skeptic, that is.
Eventually, you yourself could learn to perform that greatest of medical procedures, the dollar-ninety-eight-ectomy. Imagine how much money you'd have then!
Still not convinced? Well, you're a jerk. Maybe you haven't noticed that there's a picture of a squinty, unnamed man pointing at you. Yes, RIGHT AT YOU!
Still not convinced? Then you're the worst person in the world. Maybe you need to take this 1000x1000 pixel version of the Squinty Pointy Man and make him your profile picture on whatever FaceTube social media thingy you use. That way, every time you log in, you'll be forced to think about the life you could be having, exerting your power over others.
UPDATE: Alert Reader Sandy sent in this file photo of Hypnoguy before the surgery. (See below). Thanks, Sandy. We'll have an easier time spotting him, knowing his past!
Why would you continue to fight your way through life influencing others with sound arguments and reasonable viewpoints, when you can simply EXERT YOUR POWER OVER OTHERS? This ad appeals to all the best facets of human nature: The desire for fame and popularity through power and control over others.
Imagine the life you could lead. See the man in this picture? Imagine how popular he is! This could be you! Look how popular! Why aren't you loved by others? Because you're not doing this!!!

You're probably wondering how this could possibly work. If you're still thinking like that, you haven't been properly hypnotized. Stop not being hypnotized. If you need proof that hypnotism works exactly like the ad says, just remember that this ad is from 1963, and because of the good work this ad has done, here in The Future, everyone is now completely hypnotized all the time and we no longer need doctors or medicine of any kind and everyone is popular and completely happy always. Duh. Oh yeah, except for you. You're the only one. You loser.
Just do what the ad says. You could be performing all sorts of life-saving surgeries (on yourself, because everyone else is already hypno-healed and stuff) by hypnotizing people into thinking they've had life-saving surgeries (actually, just you). ...If you weren't such a skeptic, that is.
Eventually, you yourself could learn to perform that greatest of medical procedures, the dollar-ninety-eight-ectomy. Imagine how much money you'd have then!
Still not convinced? Well, you're a jerk. Maybe you haven't noticed that there's a picture of a squinty, unnamed man pointing at you. Yes, RIGHT AT YOU!
Still not convinced? Then you're the worst person in the world. Maybe you need to take this 1000x1000 pixel version of the Squinty Pointy Man and make him your profile picture on whatever FaceTube social media thingy you use. That way, every time you log in, you'll be forced to think about the life you could be having, exerting your power over others.
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Click for 1000 px avatar. |
This is what he REALLY looked like, before they made him look human. I found it in a reference book on Area 52 (where they REALLY did that alien autopsy stuff).
UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: He's clearly from Metaluna, as was Brak, in This Island Earth (1955).
Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers - What the fraud?
This ad for "Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers" was found in the May 1963 issue of "On the Q.T." magazine. In case you're somehow unaware of the enduring sociological legacy of On the Q.T. magazine, here's a couple of sample covers from the same year:
So, hard-hitting investigative journalism, of course. On the Q.T. may have been completely justified in calling itself "The CLASS Magazine In Its Field" in the same way one might be able to honestly say "This here is the handsomest maggot in this dead varmint carcass." The qualifier "in its field" isn't flattering.
Within it's pages, as you may expect, fascinating writing abounds, but our attention was particularly drawn to a full-page ad for "Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers". Here's an advertising pro tip. Hyphenate words that your readers may be too ignorant to pronounce all in one breath. They'll appreciate you simplifying all that fancy tech talk regarding second-grade scien-tific prin-ci-ples. Anyway, here's the ad:
The biggest text in the ad. "LIKE GETTING FREE TIRES" grabs the attention of your ideal consumer - those who feel cheated when they need to spend money on normal automotive wear items. "There's got to be a better way!"
There is! If you mount two eight-inch "gyroscopes" on your front wheels of yourmushy boat car, you will enjoy the following benefits:
-Your car will ride more safely and smoothly by preventing the front wheels from deflecting to one side or the other on bumps. (Vaguely possible, but not with these things.)
-The front wheels will resist bumps. (Not possible.)
-Parts on the steering rack will not wear out. (Sort of, but not really.)
-The tires will last much longer. (Sort of plausible, if the previous claim is true, which it probably isn't.)
So what are these things? They look like rings with two crescent-shaped weights in them, and what look to be three adjustable bolt cups that can slide around the rings a little bit, allowing for different lug spacings. They look they're about eight inches in diameter, and can't weigh more than a couple of pounds each.
There is even a picture of a lucky motorist bolting some Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers to his wheel. You remove a few lug nuts, put the stabilizers on, and reinstall the lug nuts.
The ad relies upon you having no experience playing with agyroscope gyro-scope. If you have, you'll recall that the gyroscopic effect pretty much resists rotation only against the plane of the spinning rotor. The gyroscope doesn't care about sliding up and down, or left and right.
The claims about smoothing out bumps can't be true. The gyroscopic effect of the rings will resist sudden steering inputs only, and will freely move up and down with the actuation of the suspension. Granted, in the case of pretty much every domestic car in 1963, steering and handling was vague at best, and could be accurately described as "swimmy". Sudden bumps could easily yank the steering wheel around.
Not to mention the fact that, the less a gyroscope's rotor weighs, the faster it has to spin in order for it's gyroscopic effect to be felt. You'd probably need to exceed the maximum possible speed of the vehicle before Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers could begin to work their magic, and by then the tires would probably have flown apart from the centrifugal force of their rotation.
If the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers did impart any gyroscopic effect to the front wheels, they might keep the steering rack from changing direction suddenly over stutter-bumps. If that were the case, it might extend the life of the components of the steering rack, like the tie rod ends and various bushings.
However, none of this stuff matters, because the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers are tiny compared to the diameter of the wheel. Also, their mass (and subsequent gyroscopic influence) is nothing compared to the combined mass of the wheel and tire (about seventy pounds) which have their own natural gyroscopic effect due to their rotation as the vehicle travels. Any gyroscopic benefit of the product, if it were to spin fast enough - which it can't - would be vanishngly small, relative to the wheel's own gyroscopic effect. In order to do anything, the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers' size and weight would have to be greater than that of the car's wheel, and that would introduce problems like being unable to steer the car, and the car's suspension and steering components being subjected to stresses several times greater than their designed capacity.
So, the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers can't possibly have the intended effect. If anything, they might interfere with the lug nuts holding the wheel on. So, at the very least, if you were to buy some Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers, you might get to enjoy a scientific demonstration of your wheel's natural gyroscopic effect as it rolls happily away from you while you're driving, having been freed of your vehicle's tyranny by your new Gyro-Scopic Stabiliers. It would have been easier to just pay attention in grammar school science class.
So, hard-hitting investigative journalism, of course. On the Q.T. may have been completely justified in calling itself "The CLASS Magazine In Its Field" in the same way one might be able to honestly say "This here is the handsomest maggot in this dead varmint carcass." The qualifier "in its field" isn't flattering.
Within it's pages, as you may expect, fascinating writing abounds, but our attention was particularly drawn to a full-page ad for "Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers". Here's an advertising pro tip. Hyphenate words that your readers may be too ignorant to pronounce all in one breath. They'll appreciate you simplifying all that fancy tech talk regarding second-grade scien-tific prin-ci-ples. Anyway, here's the ad:
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Click it to big it, baby. |
There is! If you mount two eight-inch "gyroscopes" on your front wheels of your
-Your car will ride more safely and smoothly by preventing the front wheels from deflecting to one side or the other on bumps. (Vaguely possible, but not with these things.)
-The front wheels will resist bumps. (Not possible.)
-Parts on the steering rack will not wear out. (Sort of, but not really.)
-The tires will last much longer. (Sort of plausible, if the previous claim is true, which it probably isn't.)
So what are these things? They look like rings with two crescent-shaped weights in them, and what look to be three adjustable bolt cups that can slide around the rings a little bit, allowing for different lug spacings. They look they're about eight inches in diameter, and can't weigh more than a couple of pounds each.
There is even a picture of a lucky motorist bolting some Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers to his wheel. You remove a few lug nuts, put the stabilizers on, and reinstall the lug nuts.
The ad relies upon you having no experience playing with a
The claims about smoothing out bumps can't be true. The gyroscopic effect of the rings will resist sudden steering inputs only, and will freely move up and down with the actuation of the suspension. Granted, in the case of pretty much every domestic car in 1963, steering and handling was vague at best, and could be accurately described as "swimmy". Sudden bumps could easily yank the steering wheel around.
Not to mention the fact that, the less a gyroscope's rotor weighs, the faster it has to spin in order for it's gyroscopic effect to be felt. You'd probably need to exceed the maximum possible speed of the vehicle before Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers could begin to work their magic, and by then the tires would probably have flown apart from the centrifugal force of their rotation.
If the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers did impart any gyroscopic effect to the front wheels, they might keep the steering rack from changing direction suddenly over stutter-bumps. If that were the case, it might extend the life of the components of the steering rack, like the tie rod ends and various bushings.
However, none of this stuff matters, because the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers are tiny compared to the diameter of the wheel. Also, their mass (and subsequent gyroscopic influence) is nothing compared to the combined mass of the wheel and tire (about seventy pounds) which have their own natural gyroscopic effect due to their rotation as the vehicle travels. Any gyroscopic benefit of the product, if it were to spin fast enough - which it can't - would be vanishngly small, relative to the wheel's own gyroscopic effect. In order to do anything, the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers' size and weight would have to be greater than that of the car's wheel, and that would introduce problems like being unable to steer the car, and the car's suspension and steering components being subjected to stresses several times greater than their designed capacity.
So, the Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers can't possibly have the intended effect. If anything, they might interfere with the lug nuts holding the wheel on. So, at the very least, if you were to buy some Gyro-Scopic Stabilizers, you might get to enjoy a scientific demonstration of your wheel's natural gyroscopic effect as it rolls happily away from you while you're driving, having been freed of your vehicle's tyranny by your new Gyro-Scopic Stabiliers. It would have been easier to just pay attention in grammar school science class.
Spot the Joke - "Men's interest" magazines.
Today's joke challenges come to us from the May, 1962 issue of Inside Story magazine, and the April, 1961 issue of Man's World magazine, respectively. It's time to spot the joke!
Challenge #1 - The Castaways:
Theory #1 - Castaway A's need for a continuing stream of available new shoes stems from his companion's mysterious habit of regurgitating nails all over the tiny island, which are painful. This is funny.
Theory #2 - The land mass they're trapped on was once much larger, and supported by a huge pile of men's shoes. Over the years, the two men have eaten all the shoes, which is a harsh reminder for us all to be better custodians of our precious resources. This is funny.
Theory #3 - Many special-purpose shoes (competitive cycling shoes, electrical linemen's boots) have a resilient stiffening component in the sole, called a "last". To say "that's the last of the shoes" implies that the men have eaten the lasts in the shoes, which are made of nylon, and as a result, are actually inedible. This is funny.
Challenge #2 - The Applicant:
Theory #1 - The would-be employee claims to run slowly. Therefore, she must be a far better pitcherthan hitter. As a result, the man is eager to have her as the new pitcher on the company softball team. This is funny.
Theory #2 - The applicant's slowness means that she won't be taking long stretches of time off of work to train for the Olympics, which is good news to her prospective boss. This is funny.
Theory #3 - The applicant's alleged slowness means that absenteeism due to workplace injuries will be kept to a minimum. This is funny.
Theory #4 - The man has clearly suffered a long career of sexual harassment at the hands of his secretaries. Therefore, he is reassured by her claimed slow-footedness that he could escape her unwanted advances if he needed to. This is funny.
Rose's Fruit Squashes - Translating British.
Technically, Americans and The British speak the same language, but the dialects are miles apart. This is made plain by this 1952 ad for Rose's Fruit Squashes, which appeared in Picture Post (like LIFE magazine, but English). There's a lot to unpack in here, so let's translate some British to American.
Fruit Squashes - For one thing, there's the description of the product. Presumably, fruit "squash" is juice, right?
Good wicket - "Wicket" is a word that comprises about 75% of Cricket terminology (Cricket being the national sport of England, and massively popular throughout India, thanks to the propagation of the East India Company in the Nineteenth century.
Primarily, the "wicket" is the little assembly of wooden sticks that stand just behind the batsman. In effect, it serves as the strike zone in American baseball. The "bowler" has to knock down the wicket with the ball, while the batsman tries to hit the ball. The parts of the wicket are the three vertical "stumps" and the smaller "bails" that bridge across the tops of the stumps. It looks a little stonehengey.
Also, the pitch (field) upon which Cricket is played is called "the wicket".
Also also, "losing a wicket" refers to a batsman being dismissed by the bowler.
Shew! So, the ad having the title "Good wicket" might be interpreted as "nice play" or "nice hit".
"Bags I don't fetch the ball" - https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/bags
Fruit Squashes - For one thing, there's the description of the product. Presumably, fruit "squash" is juice, right?
Good wicket - "Wicket" is a word that comprises about 75% of Cricket terminology (Cricket being the national sport of England, and massively popular throughout India, thanks to the propagation of the East India Company in the Nineteenth century.
Primarily, the "wicket" is the little assembly of wooden sticks that stand just behind the batsman. In effect, it serves as the strike zone in American baseball. The "bowler" has to knock down the wicket with the ball, while the batsman tries to hit the ball. The parts of the wicket are the three vertical "stumps" and the smaller "bails" that bridge across the tops of the stumps. It looks a little stonehengey.
Also, the pitch (field) upon which Cricket is played is called "the wicket".
Also also, "losing a wicket" refers to a batsman being dismissed by the bowler.
Shew! So, the ad having the title "Good wicket" might be interpreted as "nice play" or "nice hit".
"Bags I don't fetch the ball" - https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/bags
bags: children's slang , British and Australian
an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something
So, obliquely, the boy really doesn't want to go next door and get the ball... I think, since "Bags I don't fetch the ball" seems to imply he really wants to not get the ball. Something scary is next door.
"That man next door's got a long red beard and a black hat. Looks like an ogre." "No, idiot, he's a famaous artist. He draws pictures of ladies with one eye and three legs." - From the description of the artist's work, they should be describing Picasso. He did stay at a farmhouse in Sussex in 1950, which at the time was the home of his painter friend Roland Penrose.
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Self-Portrait with Uncombed Hair, by Pablo Picasso. |
However, the part about the red beard and black hat sounds exactly like Vincent Van Gogh (which, for some reason, is pronounced "Van Goth" by every British person). A quick Google search shows that Picasso had brown-to-black hair. He wasn't a ginger.
Van Gogh. Red beard. Check. Long? Meh, not really. Black hat? I'm sure he had a black hat somewhere. Most people do.
However, the description of the painting style ("ladies with one eye and three legs"), sounds like Picasso. Van Gogh's style was a little more traditional than Picasso's.
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Portraits by Van Gogh. |
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Portrait of Woman, by Pablo Picasso. |
So, the question of which artist is the scary dude next door is a bit confused. Safe to say that traditional English society wasn't sure what to make of "the new painting style", which, at the time, had only been around for about a hundred years. They could be forgiven for confusing one scary painter for the other.
"Soppy, I call it." - http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/soppy Being overly emotional or sentimental. No surprise that a couple of kids would see any painting of a lady as "soppy".
"It's a cert." - http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/cert UK, informal. "Certain" or "certainly". Duh.
"But if he shows you his pictures, just say 'very interesting', like father does". - Oh, hah hah hah hah. Conservative English culture was freaked out by modernist painters. If only they had something more important to think about at the time, like finishing the rebuilding of London.
"Soppy, I call it." - http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/soppy Being overly emotional or sentimental. No surprise that a couple of kids would see any painting of a lady as "soppy".
"It's a cert." - http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/cert UK, informal. "Certain" or "certainly". Duh.
"But if he shows you his pictures, just say 'very interesting', like father does". - Oh, hah hah hah hah. Conservative English culture was freaked out by modernist painters. If only they had something more important to think about at the time, like finishing the rebuilding of London.
Science and Mechanics - A single page. So much joy.
The small ads at the back of old "men's interest" magazines are where the publishers accidentally tell you who they think you are. This is, of course, the way it is with all advertising. By trying to sell you something, advertisers are inadvertently telling you what they think you're like. Their sales pitch is, ostensibly, an attempt to relate to you. But at the same time, the ad reveals their estimation of your motivations and vulnerabilities. Most often, the message is something like "you are frightened, insecure, paranoid, ignorant, gullible, and mostly dumb".
This single page of ads from the June, 1955 issue of Science and Mechanics is a treasure trove of amazing ads made by, umm, "unskilled" advertisers who weren't so good at concealing their judgment of the reader.
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You believe that pirates raided the oceans of the world in search of the most treasured stamps. |
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You see yourself as a perpetually downtrodden victim, and fantasize in graphic detail about crippling your perceived enemies. |
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You dream of being Richard Kiel. Or, you wish to eat any creature, so long as it wears dentures. |
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You dream of being a world explorer, and desire "helps" on "every subject", including "personality aids". I think my old boss suffered from Personality Aids. |
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Your ambitions of adventure, violence, and excitement are hampered by your continuing hernia problem. |
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Your ambitions of violent adventure are hampered by your continuing hernia problem, and you have difficulty getting into your truss due to your continuing arthritis problem. |
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You not only believe in magical powers, but wish to use them to subjugate others to your demented little will, and mustn't, under any circumstances, be allowed to have any authority over anyone. |
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